Planning Road Trips With Infant? Here is Your Must-Have Travel Item!

Planning Road Trips With Infant? Here is Your Must-Have Travel Item!

Trust me, if you've never traveled with an infant, it can be challenging! But for most families, it's unavoidable during the summer months as they travel to see family or go on vacations. Although all of our products are travel-friendly to make your life easier, there is one thing you definitely need if you're planning road trips with infant… keep reading to find out what it is!

Planning Road Trips With Infant Tips

There are so many things to consider when taking your baby or toddler on the road. Things like accommodations, hotel stays, frequent stops, and schedule changes are just a few of the things you'll need to make a plan for! 

In fact, Pampers has an in-depth list of 37 things you'll want to keep in mind if you're planning road trips with infant this summer. Some of the items on their list include packing needed medications, double-checking car seats, and planning age-appropriate activities to keep your little one entertained during the long drive. 

But one other thing you'll definitely want to keep in mind is how you can feed your baby on the road! Because infants eat frequently, you'll need a plan to keep them fed during your whole time on the road that sticks to their normal schedule. And if you have a toddler, you will definitely need to plan on plenty of snacks to keep them occupied on the road!

How to Feed Your Baby on Road Trips

The easiest way you can store and feed your little one on the road is by using the Junobie Pouches

These reusable pouches can store up to 9 oz of milk and are easy to clean once you arrive at your destination. They also have a twist-on lid, so you can feel confident that your precious breast milk or formula doesn't spill while on the road.

Plus, as a bonus, some moms even use the storage pouches as a bottle to feed their babies! That means fewer dishes (and less stress) for you while traveling. All of these things and more really make the food pouches the best option when planning road trips with infant!


Feeding Your Toddler on Road Trips

If you have a toddler to worry about keeping happy on the road as well, you can also use the Junobie Pouches for them!

These pouches are great for various foods, including purees, applesauce, smoothies, and more. It even comes with a puree straw to convert the pouch into a pouch for food!

This makes traveling so much easier for many reasons. You don't have to worry about dozens of disposable fruit pouches, and you can easily bring along your toddler's favorite snacks without having to worry about finding them on the road!

Plus, because these pouches can hold more than your average disposable pouch, you have even less to pack for your next road trip!


Planning Road Trips With Infant or Toddler Made Simple

The last thing you should be stressed about on vacation is how you will manage to feed your little one! Luckily, Junobie has that covered for you with our milk and food Pouches.

And if you plan on traveling by plane, make sure you check out this post with our favorite tips!

Don't forget to subscribe to the blog for more infant and toddler feeding tips!

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